Monday, November 5, 2012

Move On


  1. what effect did you use in your photos? so magical and surreal

  2. We had fog this morning, but not nearly as poetic as the fog you photographed! It's so ethereal and ephemeral! Wonder what the man in the boat is thinking as he is making his way quietly down the water's edge? Perhaps just ordinary thoughts, perhaps a kind of muscled contemplation, perhaps a foggy philosophy, for anything like that he sure has the day for it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you for the comments.

    I try to capture the moment, and I try to take the pictures at the right time. I think it's the thing why my pictures look how they do. I love fog and misty atmosphere.

  4. Mikko - you are so talented. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with all of us. I look forward daily to all of your new photos. Your photos have a way of creating a hauntingly gorgeous feeling that I truly enjoy.
